After Releasing Yet Another Banger, The Celtics Digital Media Team Is Currently On One Of The Greatest Generational Runs We've Ever Seen

Boston Globe. Getty Images.

By pretty much every metric, this has been one of the greatest Celtics seasons many of us have ever witnessed. Offense, defense, net rating, point differential, number of 20+ point wins, number of 25+ point wins, number of 30+ point wins, home record, road record, it's all been incredible.

But as awesome as they've been on the court, the biggest shift in 2023-24 has to be what we're getting from the Celts' digital media/social team. For years it always felt like compared to other teams, the Celts were a bit behind. Now? It's been nothing but banger after banger after banger with some shit that I didn't even know was possible.

Said another way, all year long it's essentially been this meme

with every new video we get. The one from today using 2K? Hell yes. It's only fitting that a season that has given us some of the best basketball we've ever seen is also giving us some of the best Celts digital content we've ever seen. Earlier this year Celts beat reporter Noa Dalzell gave the people what we wanted and brought us behind the curtain of these videos

and honestly the whole team deserves all the praise in the world. For what feels like the first time in my life we have opposing fanbases, ones that despise every aspect of the Celtics, praising how creative and awesome these videos are, and for good reason. Even Josh Hart can't deny it!

I'm not sure if Josh Hart is trying to maybe unleash some sort of mental warfare and soften everyone up in the event these teams meet in the ECF, but he's also not wrong. 

There are many reasons I would like the Celtics to finish the job and finally win the elusive 18th banner this season. Personally, I would like them to avoid having one of if not the biggest choke jobs in NBA history, but somewhere not too far down the list is giving the Celts digital media team an opportunity to produce content after winning the title. Frankly, I'm not sure I'll be physically capable of handling it if these are the types of videos we're already getting

After years of trying different combinations, Brad Stevens went out and built the best roster in the league, which immediately translated onto the court. After years of needing to step their game up, the business side has gone out and built the best digital/social media team in the league, which has immediately translated onto the internet. 

It all feels like the stars are perhaps finally aligning. 

Now, don't screw around tonight in Game 2, and let's get one step closer to the ultimate goal

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